Desulf-Tek, LLC specializes in manufacturing mobile fuel desulfurizer systems based on a patented technology developed by the company’s founders. Desulf-Tek provides the only viable desulfurization solution to the increasing global demand for light, mobile process systems to desulfurize liquid petroleum based fuels.

Clean fuel with maximum performance.
Desulf-Tek’s standard mobile desulfurizers are built in a single 20ft ISO shipping container to process a throughput of 300–500 gallons of diesel or jet fuel per day, with as high as 3000 parts per million of sulfur. These systems are modular and customizable. Larger systems that can process up to 1000 gallons per day and can be built in multiple ISO containers. To meet larger daily throughput requirements, other variations of containerized systems as well as stationary desulfurization configurations can also be designed to process tens of thousands of gallons of high sulfur fuel daily.
Our desulfurizers are also equipped with a series of filtration and purification processes to provide our customers not only with desulfurized fuel but pristine, clean product that will ensure best performance in the end-user equipment, leading to longer lifetime and less downtime for repair and maintenance, saving you money. Our filtration and purification remove 99.9% of sediment, sand, and bacterial growth, and 99+% of water.

Fuel contains less than 15ppm of sulfur
Ready to use directly in Tier 4 (or lower) diesel engine
Meets all diesel engine fuel specs
Product fuel was rigorously tested in Tier 4 diesel engine for 210 hours with no issues

Uses low-cost solvent, water and catalyst. All are abundantly available commercially around the world
99+% of the solvent is reclaimed and reused in a closed-loop operation
No exotic materials (i.e. Ionic liquids) are required in EBOD
1% waste containing S

Environmentally-friendly process, no harmful chemicals are emitted/ released to the environment
Minimal waste of less than 2%
Fuel burns cleaner not only due to desulfurization, but also dearomatization
Our technology aligns with regulations that help preserve the environment.

Need for desulfurization: Internal combustion engine emission
The requirement for deep desulfurization of diesel and kerosene-based fuel have significantly been increasing all over the globe due to the severe effect of sulfur emissions on the environment. Environmental agencies in developed countries all around the world have been mandating engine manufacturing to build engines that are intolerant to sulfur. For more than a decade, the US environmental agency and its EU counterpart, have limited the sulfur emissions from diesel engines to be equal or less than 15 ppm. Diesel engine manufactures include an advanced emission control system that shuts the engine off if S of >15 ppm is detected in the emission.

Need for desulfurization: Fuel cells
One of the major challenges for implementing the use of fuel cells is the requirement to store the hydrogen, which is the “fuel” required to power the fuel cell. This issue can be eliminated if hydrogen is generated as needed and used directly in the fuel cell. This can be achieved using a process called fuel reforming, which “reforms” liquid fuels (diesel & kerosene) to hydrogen. Fuel reforming requires the liquid fuel to be desulfurized, as the presence of the sulfur is detrimental for the reforming process.
Sulfur Removal in Refineries
98% of sulfur used around the world is derived from crude oil during the refinery process using a desulfurization process. Refineries employ hydrothermal treatments to carry out this process.
However, not all sulfur is removed from the crude oil. Depending on the specific fuel specification, certain types of oil distillate can still carry sulfur. For instance, jet fuel specifications limit sulfur content to 3000 ppm. Bunker fuel can contain up to 35,000 ppm of sulfur.
Certain applications or local regulations are increasingly limiting these limits to an extent that additional desulfurization technologies are necessary.
Oxidative Desulfurization
Sorbent Desulfurization
Extractive Desulfurization
Our Desulfurization with ALLIES
Desulf-TEK desulfurization technology works as a two-step sulfur filter. In the first step, the fuel goes through a pre-treatment step to increase the polarity of the sulfur-carrying molecules. In the second step, the sulfur-carrying molecules migrate from the fuel to a solvent using our patented multi-stage liquid-liquid extraction technique (ALLIES), yielding the desired desulfurization of the fuel. Additionally, in order to ensure the process practicality and sustainability, a third step was required to continuously reclaim the used solvent, allowing for cost-effective operation.
The technology performs well over a wide range of expected ambient temperatures (-20 to 125⁰F); it operates at ambient pressure, and requires and commercially available and inexpensive solvent.
Our ALLIES Liquid-Liquid Extraction Technology
ALLIES is a multi-stage, modular, fully automated and controlled liquid-liquid extraction system. It can be used to separate compounds based on their relative solubility in two immiscible liquids, an aqueous (polar) and a non-aqueous (non-polar) solvent. The reliability, modularity and scalability of ALLIES allows the application of this technology to a number of industrial chemical processes (pharmaceutical, food processing, oil & gas, etc.) that require the extraction of a solute from a feed solvent to meet process specification. Thanks to the continuous operational mode, our ALLIES can be coupled with a custom-designed solvent recovery system for closed-loop operations, reducing the waste of extraction solvent and the cost of replenishment.